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Weekly Safety Meetings and Toolbox Talks

Toolbox Talks

Presented in the format of an informal safety meeting, toolbox talks can be used to address jobsite safety topics, workplace hazards, and general safe work practices. Toolbox talks provide an ideal opportunity for your company to reinforce its commitment to maintaining safety in the workplace and protecting your employees. These 5-10 minute sessions can be an effective method to refresh workers’ knowledge, cover last minute safety checks, and allow workers to share their experience and input with other employees and supervisors.

Benefits of Weekly Safety Meetings/Toolbox Talks

If used correctly, weekly safety meetings / toolbox talks can be an effective method for teaching workers safety awareness and provide the foundation for building a safety culture in your workplace.  They have been proven to cut-down on injuries, claims and even fatalities.  There are more than 176 OSHA Standards that require training.  In addition to the 52 topics you receive in the mail you can now download 52 topics from the website and have access to a large library of topics to customize your meetings to any job site or project.  We also maintain records of meetings you have received in the past and can log into the website and view that information.

Safety Professionals App

Our online safety management system includes an E-Learning Center, Employee Management, Safety Toolbox Talks, Safety Policies, SDS Archive, and Drug Free Workplace Management. This will help your company track employee training, have easy access to all of your written policies, and the ability to manage some of your drug free workplace program online. See some of the example screenshots of the application below.

Learn More
Safety Professionals App - Example Customer Administrator Dashboard Page
Safety Professionals App - Example Drug Free Workplace Landing Page
Safety Professionals App - Example E-Learning Center Landing Page
Safety Professionals App - Example E-Learning Test Completed
Safety Professionals App - Safety Reports PDF Download Page List - Preview - Desktop
Safety Professionals App - Example Drug Free Randomizer Selection Report

The Safety Pro Group Icon Have Questions About Our Services?

If you need some help or want more information on our services, feel free to reach out. Calling us is the fastest way to get in touch.

Phone: 330-677-4433

Email: safety@thesafetyprogroup.com

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Black and white image of team of workers on a project