Supervisor Training
Supervisor skill building training is an essential component in a Drug Free Safety Program. Training content in the supervisor program will address behavioral observation of employees, appropriate interventions with suspected drug and/or alcohol use in the workplace, required documentation when incidents occur, and proper procedures for assistance referrals.
Supervisor training will consist of a minimum of two hours initially and one hour annually as a refresher course. New supervisors should receive the initial training within eight weeks of becoming a supervisor. Our online training courses will provide the flexibility of completing the necessary requirements in a convenient and timely manner. Training sessions should contain the following:
Supervisors must complete:
- Drug Free Employee Education
- Drug Free Supervisor Skill-Building Training
- Accident Analysis Training for Supervisors (a one-time, on-line training course)
The skill-building training session includes the following content:
- Behavioral Observation
- Documentation of Behavior
- Appropriate and Professional Behavior Confrontation
- Initiating Reasonable Suspicion Testing
- Making Referrals for Assistance/Substance Assessment
- How to Follow Up with Employees Returning to Work
Advanced & Basic Levels:
- The 2-hour training must be provided within four months of the initial program year or within 8 weeks of becoming a Supervisor.
- 2 hours of Supervisor Skill-Building in 1st year; 1 hour annually in subsequent years.
Comparable Program:
- This training must be completed before beginning work on a state construction site.
- A one-time, 1 hour Drug Free Supervisor Skill-Building Training class must be provided
Safety Professionals App
Our online safety management system includes an E-Learning Center, Employee Management, Safety Toolbox Talks, Safety Policies, SDS Archive, and Drug Free Workplace Management. This will help your company track employee training, have easy access to all of your written policies, and the ability to manage some of your drug free workplace program online. See some of the example screenshots of the application below.
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Phone: 330-677-4433
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